Katelyn Papineau Business Manager
Phone 208-257-3321
Fax 208-257-3323
District Information Cambridge School District #432J 40 N. 4th Street PO Box 39 Cambridge, ID 83610
The district office, located in the middle-high school, is open from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday during the summer and 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. while school is in session. Please feel free to drop in or call if you have questions or need information.
Current Openings- please click on the Buttons below for more details
Employment Opportunities
Sub/Trip Bus Driver
Classroom Substitutes
All positions will remain open until filled.
Cambridge School District #432J is an equal opportunity employer.
For additional information on any of these positions, please contact Anthony Butler.
(208)989-8617 or abutler@cambridge432.org
Part Time Kitchen Assistant
Certified Openings
No certified openings.
Classified Staff Hiring Pool
At various times throughout the school year, we have openings come up for one reason or another. If you would like to be in our classified staff hiring pool, please submit an application to the district office.
Cambridge School District is accepting applications for substitute and trip bus drivers.
All applicants must have or be willing and qualified to obtain a CDL with passenger and school bus endorsements. Please submit a district application form and cover letter to the district office. For more information, please contact Superintendent Anthony Butler at 208-257-3321 or 208-989-8617.
District application forms may be obtained as follows:
In person at the Cambridge District Office located in the high school 8:00 am to 3:00 pm Monday – Thursday (Summer Hours are limited, typically 8 to noon)
By e-mail to kpapineau@cambridge432.org
On the district website at https://www.cambridge432.org/employment-opportunities
Completed applications should be turned in to the district office in person, by mail, or by email. This position will remain open until filled. Cambridge School District #432 is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Cambridge School District
40 N 4th St
PO Box 39
Cambridge, ID 83610 208-257-3321